What will present by Me?
Assalamualaikum guys! Thanks for viewing my blog, I wish you day is great today! First of all, I would like to share to all of you what will I talk about in this blog. For the first post, we already talked about chicken right? Part of chicken but what kind of dish that I would like to share with all of us? Jeng jeng jeng! The dish that I would to share is How To Cook "Ayam Berempah" You still wondering why? Do you ever eat Ayam berempah with Nasi Kukus? I guess, everyone know what is Nasi Kukus. In my place, there are a lot places that we can eat Nasi Kukus but the famous one is Dapur Mama and Nasi Kukus Mama. Both of that restaurants seem like same but actually not same but they selling same food which is Nasi Kukus. Nah nah nah! Let's straight to the with what want to talk about! How to cook Ayam Berempah? Do you Ayam Berempah? Put you hands up! Ayam berempah is my favourite, thats why I love to share what I love to cook. First of all, - 1 whole c...