Chicken lover?
Hi, Assalamulaikum guys!
Are you chicken lover? If yes, this is your place! First of all thanks for following me in this blog. This blog will share everything that related to chicken. Do you know how to cook chicken? If you don't, you should keep following my blog because I'll shared a lot of recipe that related to chicken.
What is chicken? a domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one. (that's definition by google) what is definition by you? Don't forget to comment your definition! For me chicken is something delivery 😝
Do you know about every part of chicken?
Chicken Parts |
Everyone must have their own favorite part right? As for me, I like breast part because full of chicken fillet! How about you? Don't forget to answer it in comment ya!
There are some link that shared about the history of chicken if you feel free want to read it, you can go to HISTORY OF CHICKEN (CLICK YA!)
Have you wondering what will you learn from me in this entry?
I'll tell you something that related to chicken but I'll focusing on "How To Make Ayam Berempah"
Crispy Spiced Fried Chicken) is asian food that very famous. There are a lot of
famous restaurant in Malaysia that selling Crispy Spiced Fried Chicken, especialy; people that selling nasi kukus. "Ayam berempah" is famous name that they will using to eat with Nasi Kukus.
Keep following me, && I'll update soon about the recipe!
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